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Major Planning

Declaring Your Major, Minor, and/or Concentration

You can declare your major after your first semester and must do so by the end of your sophomore year. All students must declare and fulfill the requirements of at least one major to graduate.

Use this form to declare a major. To declare you must have the signature of the appropriate major department and by your prospective major faculty advisor. Should you not know who you would like to be your major faculty advisor, the department can randomly assign you a faculty member to this position. Once the form is completed, submit your declaration form to the Registrar’s Office.

Major Declaration Form

Note that some departments require more than this form to finalize your major. Follow the department’s instructions for further steps when you turn in the form to the department for signature.

While having a minor or concentration declared is not a requirement for graduation at Clark, unless required by the specific major, we highly recommend students utilizing these to broaden their knowledge base or to develop a more specialized skill set for their prospective career path.

Use this form to declare a minor or concentration. To declare you must have the signature of the appropriate department and by your prospective minor/concentration faculty advisor. Should you not know who you would like to be your faculty advisor, the department can randomly assign you a faculty member to this position. Once the form is completed, submit your declaration form to the Registrar’s Office.

Minor/Concentration Declaration Form

The student-designed major is for students who have interests that cut across existing majors, maintain intellectual rigor and coherence, and draw on existing faculty expertise. This major should only be considered by students who have thought deeply about an alternative area of study or a major and have explored what the academic programs at Clark University have to offer.

Learn more about the student-designed major

Yes — you’ll find a list of all the academic programs at Clark here.

Should you need to change your faculty advisor, you can do so using the form below. You must have your new advisor sign off on the form before turning it into Academic Advising for approval. Please note that it can take up to 1-2 business days for the paperwork to be reviewed and filed with a final final decision.

Change of Advisor Form

Advice for Prospective Majors

Fall and Spring Major’s Fair

Each October and March, Clark University hosts a major’s fair to help undeclared students meet and interact with faculty and staff from all of Clark’s academic departments. Students will be able to develop a network within their prospective majors, minors, and concentrations, all while helping to identify which majors will be the best fit for their academic and career goals.

Should you like to learn more about these majors’ fairs, please feel free to contact our department for more information.

Contact Information

Academic Advising Center

Office Location
Office Hours
  • Monday – Friday
    9 a.m. to 5 p.m